rambling about self-expression and bryce shenanigans

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profile page vs. whole ass website

Warmest welcomes to everyone visits my little website. I hope that you enjoy looking at my artwork and will come back for more. I also hope that this site will inspire you to make your own. It seems like surfing in the walled garden of social media has stripped many of true online self-expression, confining people to a profile page, which, at best, you can put some pictures and videos on.

If you don't know what I mean, take 30 minutes of your time and browse a couple of Neocities websites, then come back.

Wow, wasn't that cool?

Before social media was huge, the vast majority of creatives seeking to express themselves online created personal websites, which they'd share via forums or webrings, potentially forming communities and such. I did not grow up during those times, but I still felt compelled to do the same, because, let's face it: Instagram is boring.

I'm not going to bore you with the web of olde any further. But do give site-making a try if you have the time and will to do so. It certainly won't change the climate of the Internet, but you're exercising and reinforcing your creativity, and all the cool kids are doing it. Give this a read, too.

On a much more personal level, it's therapeutic. All the freedom to express myself however I like, through ramblings (such as this one!), through art, web design, whatever. On that note, I really need to doll up my site. This placeholder look is depressing and certainly not helping my case. We'll see.

Speaking of aesthetics...

hello, bryce!

Earlier today I've been toying with Bryce. It's a fun little program that lets you render 3D scenes and comes bundled in with a ton of assets and effects.

The experience on modern hardware is not great on this version. I'm using Bryce 3.1, released in 1997. By default it launches in a tiny, tiny window (320x480). Ow, my eyes! Only after 3 hours of using the app, did I find the option to change the res. On top of the existing jank, I'm running it through WINE which adds a few irritating input bugs. Fun!!!

Well, that's all on me for not running it on a Windows 95 machine, the exact thing it was made for.

Despite all that, I had a ton of enjoyment from experimenting around with a bunch of textures, prefabs and wacky effects.

soaring over the infinite sea in my shiny metal ride

basked in the shadows of these mountains lives a peaceful village...

Definetly going to use it more. I still have plenty more to learn and the opportunities are endless. In fact, I've created a new gallery for still renders which you can check out. Mostly going to be posting Bryce stuff in here. Stay tuned!

If you actually made it to the end...well...I actually don't know what to say.